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He gets money to do this..

He gets money to do this..

Thursday 7 December 2006

Kid Rock Wannabe

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Blondie claps her hands..

Blondie claps her hands..
And thinks we will pay her!

Special reports by: Borat

Special reports by: Borat
We never asked him to work for us!

UIT HET WEBLOG VAN: GEORGINA VERBAAN(Dit is een tijdelijke link)

Gut gut. Daar gaan we weer..


Get a life peeps. Seriously. Hahaha! Treurig. Triest. Leugenaars.

Oh ja, en voor de volledigheid vraag ik bij dezen ook uw aandacht voor; het vleesboompje . Het vleesboompje dat ik in mijn buik had groeien en dat operatief verwijderd is? Dat is hetzelfde vleesboompje dat ik toen bij de plastisch chirurg in een soort droogtrommeltje heb laten doen en dat toen is opgerekt en ingespoten. Ingespoten met het vet uit mijn linker (en dikkere) oor? Je weet wel, dat kleine opgedroogde, uitgerekte, ingespoten stukje weefsel dat ik in mijn neus heb laten zetten?? Zou toch zonde zijn als nu niet alle 'feiten' op tafel komen..

29 april 2006 ... stuur door ... 60 reactie(s)

Strange things

Strange things
But true......

Blue eye...

Blue eye...
(Has seen enough)

(Public prison)


(Or: The rat-trap: Irak)

Whats a rat-trap?

Classic Rat Zapper 2000 - The Ultimate Mouse Trap, Rat Trap

Getting rid of mice and rats safely and mess-free has never been easier with the Classic Rat Zapper 2000, the ultimate rat trap, mouse trap. The Classic Rat Zapper 2000 is a reusable and safe rodent exterminator that delivers a deadly shock to mice and rats when they attempt to retrieve the bait inside. Once you get one of the rodents a red strobe light on the top blinks tells you its time to empty the chamber. Emptying it can't get any easier! Just hold it over a trash can and let the contents slide out, you don't even have to see or touch the rodent! This product is safe for children or your pets and can be placed inside or outside your building. To use the Classic Rat Zapper 2000, simple insert 4 AA batteries, put in the bait (which is included), turn on and set near the area of mouse and rat activity.

The Classic Rat Zapper 2000 is the result of years of engineering and customer feedback. We've designed the Classic Rat Zapper 2000 to be effective, clean, easy to use, and humane. The main advantages of the Classic Rat Zapper 2000 are as follows:

* Effective (kills mice, rats, chipmunks and ground squirrels) * Clean (no blood or guts) and re-usable * More humane mouse trap than snap traps, glue boards, and poison * Compact (10" x 4" x 4") and easy to use rat trap * 10 rodent kills or 30 days with one set of 4 alkaline AA batteries * Flashing kill indicator light (you never have to see the dead rodent!) * Not an ultrasound device * Optional Rat Tale * Optional Rat Pack (add-on battery pack) * Optional remote monitoring capability * A Better Mouse Trap

Check out the Rat Zapper testimonials! >>

Not really funny

Not really funny
Jonh kerry, get theme back!

John kerry

John F. Kerry was born on December 11, 1943 at Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Colorado. His father, Richard, volunteered in the Army Air Corps and flew DC-3's and B-29's as a test pilot during World War II. His mother, Rosemary, was a lifelong community activist and devoted parent. She was a Girl Scout leader for 50 years, and one of her proudest possessions was her 50 year Girl Scout pin. She was an environmentalist and a community activist.

Not long after John Kerry was born, the family settled in Massachusetts. Growing up there, his parents taught him the values of service and responsibility and the blessings of his Catholic faith, lessons John Kerry carries with him to this day.

Because his father was a Foreign Service Officer in the Eisenhower administration, John Kerry traveled a lot when he was young. On these trips, he learned firsthand what makes America a leader in the world - our optimism and our democratic values. And he learned that nations across the world share many common goals and that the best way to achieve them is through building strong alliances.

As he was graduating from Yale, John Kerry volunteered to serve in Vietnam, because, as he later said, "it was the right thing to do." He believed that "to whom much is given, much is required." And he felt he had an obligation to give something back to his country. John Kerry served two tours of duty. On his second tour, he volunteered to serve on a Swift Boat in the river deltas, one of the most dangerous assignments of the war. He was awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star with Combat V, and three Purple Hearts.

But John Kerry's wartime experience taught him a painful lesson that he could not forget, even after he returned home. In the midst of battle, he had seen the lives of his fellow soldiers, his friends, put at risk because some leaders in Washington were making bad decisions. He decided he had a responsibility to his friends still serving, the friends he had lost, and his country, to help restore responsible leadership in America.

After he came home, and after his friend Don Droz was killed in Vietnam, Kerry began to speak out against the war. It wasn't easy. Only 27 years old, John Kerry sounded a call to reason in April 1971 when he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and posed the powerful question, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Later, John Kerry accepted another tour of duty - to serve in America's communities. After graduating from Boston College Law School in 1976, John Kerry went to work as a top prosecutor in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He took on organized crime and put behind bars "one of the state's most notorious gangsters, the number two organized crime figure in New England." He fought for victims' rights and created programs for rape counseling.

John Kerry was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1982. In that office, he organized the nation's Governors to combat the acid rain that was polluting lakes, rivers, and the nation's water supply. Two years later, he was elected to the United States Senate and he has won reelection three-times since. He is now serving his fourth term, after winning again in 2002.

John Kerry entered the Senate with a reputation as a man of conviction. He confirmed that reputation by taking bold decisions on important issues. He helped provide health insurance for millions of low-income children. He has fought to improve public education, protect our natural environment, and strengthen our economy. He has been praised as one of the leading environmentalists in the Senate, who stopped the Bush-Cheney plan to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

John Kerry has never forgotten the lessons he learned as a young man - lessons that have been strengthened in his 19 years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has learned that America must work with other countries to achieve our goals and the world's common goals. From his ground-breaking work on the Iran-Contra scandal to his leadership on global AIDS, John Kerry has distinguished himself as one of our nation's most respected voices on national security and international affairs.

As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, he worked closely with John McCain to learn the truth about American soldiers missing in Vietnam and to normalize relations with that country. As the ranking Democrat on the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, he is a leading expert on that region, including North Korea.

Years before September 11th, John Kerry wrote The New War, an in-depth study of America's national security in the 21st Century. He worked on a bipartisan basis to craft the American response to September 11th and has been a leading voice on American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terrorism, the Middle East peace process and Israel's security.

In 2003, John Kerry announced that he would run for president of the United states and mounted a come from behind campaign to win the Democratic nomination. Running against a wartime incumbent, Kerry came close to the presidency in 2004 - and dusted himself off, thought about what mattered to him most, and kept up the fight for the people whose concerns had been his cause these last 35 years.

John Kerry is married to Teresa Heinz Kerry, and they have a blended family that includes two daughters, three sons, and one grandchild. At home, they enjoy spending time chasing their four dogs.

wedding invitations tomkat...

First, newly wed Hollywood stars Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ failed to invite Oprah Winfrey for their Italian marriage. Now, the chat show queen was left off the invite list to the couple’s post-wedding party.

It is surprising because Cruise and Winfrey have been friends for years and Cruise made his infamous couch-jumping "I’m in love" speech regarding Holmes on the media mogul’s Us TV talk show last year, reports imdb.com.

Winfrey was noticeably left off the list to the Nov 18 ceremony in Bracciano, Italy, though celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony and Jim Carrey who are not known to be friends of Cruise were invited.

Kid And Pamela

Kid And Pamela
Need some attention...

We have everything on film!

We have everything on film!
Oke, thats illigal.

Pamela Anderson

Nationality: Canadian D.O.B: July 1 1967 Resides: The beach Children: Brandon 9, Dylan 8 TV Series: Baywatch 1992-1996, VIP 1998-2002, Stripperella 2003, Stacked 2005 Movies: Barbwire 1997, Scooby Doo 2002, Scary Movie 3 2003

Pneumatic blonde Pamela Anderson is an American icon, born and raised in a small town in Canada called, Ladysmith. Located in beautiful British Columbia, the town is fast becoming famous because of their Centennial baby. Pamela was born on July 1st 1967, Canada’s one hundredth birthday, and her Parents, Barry and Carol Anderson, were awarded with a medal. Life in Ladysmith was normal. Living on the edge of a cliff over the Pacific Ocean allowed Pam’s creative mind to wander. She would put on plays for her parents, forcing her brother to play a part in any story she came up with.

At a BC Lions football game Pam, wearing a Labatt’s Blue Zone T-shirt, was put up on the big-screen by a cameraman between plays. The crowd went crazy, demanding they bring the Labatt’s girl down for the lottery drawing at half time. Soon after she was the ‘Labatt’s Blue Zone Girl’ in a major advertising ad for the beer company. Playboy, after seeing the campaign, contacted Pam to have her appear in their magazine. She decided to go after her dreams and moved to Los Angeles, posing for Playboy and appearing on the cover eleven times.

After making a couple of sitcom appearances Pam landed a regular role on the hit ABC sitcom “Home Improvement”. Two season’s later she decided to take a role on the hit syndicated show “Baywatch” so she could take her dog, Star, to work.

Pamela’s stormy relationships have, unfortunately, become tabloid topics. After Baywatch Pamela dove into feature films with the big-budget international cult sensation, “Barbwire”, playing the futuristic comic-book heroine of the title. In 1998 Pamela teamed up with JF Lawton to produce VIP(1998-2002), a tounge-in-cheek action-comedy about a bodyguard service headed by the voluptuous blonde Vallery Irons.

Pamela has also been in the press due to her high-profile, stormy marriage to Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee, suffering through the stolen honeymoon video and his substance abuse. In 2002, after having divorced Lee and four season’;s of “V.I.P” behind her, Pam announced she was taking a year off to concentrate on her health and spend time with her son’s. A year later she was involved with music star, Kid Rock.

Pam started a regular magazine column for Jane Magazine and produced, with her brother Gerry, an animated series based on her likeness in the form of a superhero called “Stripperella” (Spike 2003) created by Marvel Comic s legend Stan Lee. Pam voiced Erotica Jones and her alter ego,Striperella, exotic dancer by night and superhero by “Later that night”. The iconic Anderson would continue to make headlines with her statuesque profile, risque photo shoots and controversial personal life – including her strong allegiance with animal rights group People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals. It was around this time her good friends, the Wayans brothers, called her to be in their latest comedy, Scary Movie 3.

Pamela was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, a result of sharing a tattoo needle with her husband. Her tireless work with the liver foundation and other related charities has raised awareness as well as millions of dollars for the fight against Hepatitis C. She is trying to reduce the negative stigma attatched to Hep C & Aids. By joining forces with MAC Pam has raised over 12 million dollars in 8 months, the most any celebrity has helped raise. The President of Este Lauder & MAC John Dempsey calls it “The Power of Pamela!”.

Anderson currently produces and stars in her own FOX sit-com, the aptly titled “Stacked” (2005 - ), playing Skyler Dayton, a woman tired of living the fast life and making bad choices in boyfriends who takes a job at a bookstore.

Throughout her career, Pamela has been an outspoken advocate for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and raised the amount of awareness worldwide.

Pamela has, for the last ten years, been the most down-loaded woman on the internet. She is a dedicated mother who has raised her children on her own. Often described as “Supermom” the future is always luminescent for the omnipresent Canadian superstar.

Pam has many projects in the works. A true business mogul!



he man known around the world as Kid Rock has always defied easy labeling, and now, with the eagerly awaited follow-up to his 2001 smash, "COCKY," Detroit's Favorite Son has taken his genre-blurring musical mash to an all-new plane with his self-titled new album. "KID ROCK" is Rock's most emotionally naked collection to date, with songs like "Cold and Empty" and the album-opening "Rock n' Roll Pain Train" finding him looking at his life thus far and acknowledging that even an American Bad Ass needs to stop and smell the roses: "On that rock n' roll pain train/After the lights go down/I live out in the woods now/It helps me keep my feet on the ground/Life's been good to me so far/Hope it's been kind to you/Stand strong in the storms of life/The sun will always shine on you." The album's stunning centerpiece is the epic "I Am," an anthemic statement of purpose in which Rock affirms his freedom as an artist and as an American. Patriotism is invoked all too often in these troubled times, but Rock has long put his money where his mouth is, performing for the United States Armed Forces whenever and wherever he has been called to serve, in both peacetime and in war. None of which is to say that the original Pimp of the Nation has gone soft - far from it, in fact. "KID ROCK" is packed with a wide load of Rock's trademark good-time raucousness, from the swaggering cover of Bad Company's '70s classic, "Feel Like Makin' Love" (the album's first single), to the self-explanatory "Rock n' Roll," to "Son Of Detroit," Rock's chest-thumping autobiographical adaptation of outlaw country legend David Allen Coe's classic "Son Of The South" - "I'm a redneck rock and roll son of Detroit/I don't like no new wave techno bands around/I'm a drink a couple dozen beers, go out and jam some gears/I'm a longhaired redneck rock and roll son of Detroit." Backed, as ever, by the amazing Twisted Brown Trucker - guitarists Kenny Olson and Jason Krause, keyboardist Jimmie Bones, and drummer Stefanie Eulinberg - Kid Rock also invited a few special guests to sit in. Blues guitar hero Kenny Wayne Shepherd and tenor man David McMurray kick out the jams on "Black Bob," while ZZ Top's one and only Billy Gibbons lends guest vocals (and beer!) to the rowdy "Hillbilly Stomp." Elsewhere on "KID ROCK" - recorded at the Allen Roadhouse (north of Detroit, south of Heaven) - Rock is visited by some of his dearest friends and fans, such as Hank Williams Jr., who shares vocals on the outrageously bawdy rave-up, "Cadillac Pussy." Also joining in is Sheryl Crow, who collaborated with Rock on last year's hugely successful single, "Picture." The Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter co-wrote and sings backing vocals on "Run Off To L.A." A back-to-the-future highlight of the album is "Hard Night For Sarah," penned by Motor City icon Bob Seger. The song - which was recorded for Seger's 1979 classic "AGAINST THE WIND," but ended up on the cutting room floor - is Rock's way of spreading the word to a new generation about one of his all-time favorite songwriters. "KID ROCK" closes with a poignant bonus song, "Single Father," co-written with David Allen Coe. The tender track - described by Rock as a "tearjerker" - is brutally honest and powerfully emotional, as Kid Rock expresses profound love for his son while lamenting the difficulties of being a one-man parent: "He says daddy explain/If it's not too much bother/While it's just you and me/Living here in this home/I don't understand it/And either does he/Why there's just two/When there should be three of us/Sharing this moment/Lord I feel so alone." With this sonic powerhouse of a record, the Son of Detroit has crafted his bravest, ballsiest collection thus far - a wide-ranging, far-reaching assortment of songs that truly warrant the name "KID ROCK."
* * * * *
In 1998, Kid Rock unleashed his major label debut, the classic "DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE." The album - which includes the smash singles/videos "I Am The Bullgod," "Bawitdaba," "Cowboy," and "Only God Knows Why" - eventually went on to be Diamond Award certified by the RIAA for more than 10,000,000 sold. 2000 saw the release of "THE HISTORY OF ROCK," a specially assembled compilation comprised of previously unreleased recordings such as the Grammy Award-nominated single, "American Bad Ass," as well as remixed and reworked tracks from Kid Rock's long-unavailable early works. The collection made its chart debut at #2 on the Billboard album chart, en route to triple platinum certification by the RIAA for sales in excess of 3,000,000. Rock's next magnum opus, the acclaimed "COCKY," was released in November 2001. Recorded in Detroit at Kid Rock's Clarkston Chophouse studio, the album includes such larger-than-life arena anthems as "Forever," "What I Learned Out On The Road," "Lonely Road of Faith," and the sensational Top Ten duet with Sheryl Crow, "Picture." At this writing, the RIAA 4x-platinum certified "COCKY" remains on the "Billboard 200" album chart more than 100 weeks after its release. An inveterate road warrior, Kid Rock and Twisted Brown Trucker have earned a reputation as one of hardest working bands in rock n' roll, blowing the roofs off of theatres, arenas, and enormodomes on countless cross-country tours, not to mention treks around the globe. Since breaking out with "DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE," Rock has been the recipient of a wide assortment of honors, including multiple Grammy Award nominations, and taking home such trophies as a Billboard Music Video Award and "Favorite Male Pop/Rock" honors from the American Music Awards. Kid Rock has been loud and proud in his support of the men and women of the United States Military. In January 2001, he donated proceeds from a Norfolk, Virginia concert to the Navy Marine Corp Relief Society, an effort undertaken to aid the families of those crewmembers killed in the terrorist attack on the USS Cole. The concert came about after Rock heard that "American Bad Ass" was played over the loudspeakers of the crippled naval ship just as it pulled out of port to head home. December of that year saw Rock and TBT visiting the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany to perform alongside J-Lo and Ja Rule for a massive U.S.O. show (later broadcast on MTV as For The Troops: An MTV/U.S.O. Special). In June 2003, Rock ventured to Kuwait, Qatar, and Iraq as part of a U.S.O. tour to brighten the spirits of troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A highlight of the journey occurred as Rock arrived at a military hangar in Baghdad expecting to just sign autographs. When the thousands of troops waiting to meet him started cheering, the Motor City superstar decided to put on an impromptu concert, using instruments on stage designated for a military band.
November 2003
he man known around the world as Kid Rock has always defied easy labeling, and now, with the eagerly awaited follow-up to his 2001 smash, "COCKY," Detroit's Favorite Son has taken his genre-blurring musical mash to an all-new plane with his self-titled new album. "KID ROCK" is Rock's most emotionally naked collection to date, with songs like "Cold and Empty" and the album-opening "Rock n' Roll Pain Train" finding him looking at his life thus far and acknowledging that even an American Bad Ass needs to stop and smell the roses: "On that rock n' roll pain train/After the lights go down/I live out in the woods now/It helps me keep my feet on the ground/Life's been good to me so far/Hope it's been kind to you/Stand strong in the storms of life/The sun will always shine on you." The album's stunning centerpiece is the epic "I Am," an anthemic statement of purpose in which Rock affirms his freedom as an artist and as an American. Patriotism is invoked all too often in these troubled times, but Rock has long put his money where his mouth is, performing for the United States Armed Forces whenever and wherever he has been called to serve, in both peacetime and in war. None of which is to say that the original Pimp of the Nation has gone soft - far from it, in fact. "KID ROCK" is packed with a wide load of Rock's trademark good-time raucousness, from the swaggering cover of Bad Company's '70s classic, "Feel Like Makin' Love" (the album's first single), to the self-explanatory "Rock n' Roll," to "Son Of Detroit," Rock's chest-thumping autobiographical adaptation of outlaw country legend David Allen Coe's classic "Son Of The South" - "I'm a redneck rock and roll son of Detroit/I don't like no new wave techno bands around/I'm a drink a couple dozen beers, go out and jam some gears/I'm a longhaired redneck rock and roll son of Detroit." Backed, as ever, by the amazing Twisted Brown Trucker - guitarists Kenny Olson and Jason Krause, keyboardist Jimmie Bones, and drummer Stefanie Eulinberg - Kid Rock also invited a few special guests to sit in. Blues guitar hero Kenny Wayne Shepherd and tenor man David McMurray kick out the jams on "Black Bob," while ZZ Top's one and only Billy Gibbons lends guest vocals (and beer!) to the rowdy "Hillbilly Stomp." Elsewhere on "KID ROCK" - recorded at the Allen Roadhouse (north of Detroit, south of Heaven) - Rock is visited by some of his dearest friends and fans, such as Hank Williams Jr., who shares vocals on the outrageously bawdy rave-up, "Cadillac Pussy." Also joining in is Sheryl Crow, who collaborated with Rock on last year's hugely successful single, "Picture." The Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter co-wrote and sings backing vocals on "Run Off To L.A." A back-to-the-future highlight of the album is "Hard Night For Sarah," penned by Motor City icon Bob Seger. The song - which was recorded for Seger's 1979 classic "AGAINST THE WIND," but ended up on the cutting room floor - is Rock's way of spreading the word to a new generation about one of his all-time favorite songwriters. "KID ROCK" closes with a poignant bonus song, "Single Father," co-written with David Allen Coe. The tender track - described by Rock as a "tearjerker" - is brutally honest and powerfully emotional, as Kid Rock expresses profound love for his son while lamenting the difficulties of being a one-man parent: "He says daddy explain/If it's not too much bother/While it's just you and me/Living here in this home/I don't understand it/And either does he/Why there's just two/When there should be three of us/Sharing this moment/Lord I feel so alone." With this sonic powerhouse of a record, the Son of Detroit has crafted his bravest, ballsiest collection thus far - a wide-ranging, far-reaching assortment of songs that truly warrant the name "KID ROCK."
* * * * *
In 1998, Kid Rock unleashed his major label debut, the classic "DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE." The album - which includes the smash singles/videos "I Am The Bullgod," "Bawitdaba," "Cowboy," and "Only God Knows Why" - eventually went on to be Diamond Award certified by the RIAA for more than 10,000,000 sold. 2000 saw the release of "THE HISTORY OF ROCK," a specially assembled compilation comprised of previously unreleased recordings such as the Grammy Award-nominated single, "American Bad Ass," as well as remixed and reworked tracks from Kid Rock's long-unavailable early works. The collection made its chart debut at #2 on the Billboard album chart, en route to triple platinum certification by the RIAA for sales in excess of 3,000,000. Rock's next magnum opus, the acclaimed "COCKY," was released in November 2001. Recorded in Detroit at Kid Rock's Clarkston Chophouse studio, the album includes such larger-than-life arena anthems as "Forever," "What I Learned Out On The Road," "Lonely Road of Faith," and the sensational Top Ten duet with Sheryl Crow, "Picture." At this writing, the RIAA 4x-platinum certified "COCKY" remains on the "Billboard 200" album chart more than 100 weeks after its release. An inveterate road warrior, Kid Rock and Twisted Brown Trucker have earned a reputation as one of hardest working bands in rock n' roll, blowing the roofs off of theatres, arenas, and enormodomes on countless cross-country tours, not to mention treks around the globe. Since breaking out with "DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE," Rock has been the recipient of a wide assortment of honors, including multiple Grammy Award nominations, and taking home such trophies as a Billboard Music Video Award and "Favorite Male Pop/Rock" honors from the American Music Awards. Kid Rock has been loud and proud in his support of the men and women of the United States Military. In January 2001, he donated proceeds from a Norfolk, Virginia concert to the Navy Marine Corp Relief Society, an effort undertaken to aid the families of those crewmembers killed in the terrorist attack on the USS Cole. The concert came about after Rock heard that "American Bad Ass" was played over the loudspeakers of the crippled naval ship just as it pulled out of port to head home. December of that year saw Rock and TBT visiting the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany to perform alongside J-Lo and Ja Rule for a massive U.S.O. show (later broadcast on MTV as For The Troops: An MTV/U.S.O. Special). In June 2003, Rock ventured to Kuwait, Qatar, and Iraq as part of a U.S.O. tour to brighten the spirits of troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A highlight of the journey occurred as Rock arrived at a military hangar in Baghdad expecting to just sign autographs. When the thousands of troops waiting to meet him started cheering, the Motor City superstar decided to put on an impromptu concert, using instruments on stage designated for a military band.
November 2003
he man known around the world as Kid Rock has always defied easy labeling, and now, with the eagerly awaited follow-up to his 2001 smash, "COCKY," Detroit's Favorite Son has taken his genre-blurring musical mash to an all-new plane with his self-titled new album. "KID ROCK" is Rock's most emotionally naked collection to date, with songs like "Cold and Empty" and the album-opening "Rock n' Roll Pain Train" finding him looking at his life thus far and acknowledging that even an American Bad Ass needs to stop and smell the roses: "On that rock n' roll pain train/After the lights go down/I live out in the woods now/It helps me keep my feet on the ground/Life's been good to me so far/Hope it's been kind to you/Stand strong in the storms of life/The sun will always shine on you." The album's stunning centerpiece is the epic "I Am," an anthemic statement of purpose in which Rock affirms his freedom as an artist and as an American. Patriotism is invoked all too often in these troubled times, but Rock has long put his money where his mouth is, performing for the United States Armed Forces whenever and wherever he has been called to serve, in both peacetime and in war. None of which is to say that the original Pimp of the Nation has gone soft - far from it, in fact. "KID ROCK" is packed with a wide load of Rock's trademark good-time raucousness, from the swaggering cover of Bad Company's '70s classic, "Feel Like Makin' Love" (the album's first single), to the self-explanatory "Rock n' Roll," to "Son Of Detroit," Rock's chest-thumping autobiographical adaptation of outlaw country legend David Allen Coe's classic "Son Of The South" - "I'm a redneck rock and roll son of Detroit/I don't like no new wave techno bands around/I'm a drink a couple dozen beers, go out and jam some gears/I'm a longhaired redneck rock and roll son of Detroit." Backed, as ever, by the amazing Twisted Brown Trucker - guitarists Kenny Olson and Jason Krause, keyboardist Jimmie Bones, and drummer Stefanie Eulinberg - Kid Rock also invited a few special guests to sit in. Blues guitar hero Kenny Wayne Shepherd and tenor man David McMurray kick out the jams on "Black Bob," while ZZ Top's one and only Billy Gibbons lends guest vocals (and beer!) to the rowdy "Hillbilly Stomp." Elsewhere on "KID ROCK" - recorded at the Allen Roadhouse (north of Detroit, south of Heaven) - Rock is visited by some of his dearest friends and fans, such as Hank Williams Jr., who shares vocals on the outrageously bawdy rave-up, "Cadillac Pussy." Also joining in is Sheryl Crow, who collaborated with Rock on last year's hugely successful single, "Picture." The Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter co-wrote and sings backing vocals on "Run Off To L.A." A back-to-the-future highlight of the album is "Hard Night For Sarah," penned by Motor City icon Bob Seger. The song - which was recorded for Seger's 1979 classic "AGAINST THE WIND," but ended up on the cutting room floor - is Rock's way of spreading the word to a new generation about one of his all-time favorite songwriters. "KID ROCK" closes with a poignant bonus song, "Single Father," co-written with David Allen Coe. The tender track - described by Rock as a "tearjerker" - is brutally honest and powerfully emotional, as Kid Rock expresses profound love for his son while lamenting the difficulties of being a one-man parent: "He says daddy explain/If it's not too much bother/While it's just you and me/Living here in this home/I don't understand it/And either does he/Why there's just two/When there should be three of us/Sharing this moment/Lord I feel so alone." With this sonic powerhouse of a record, the Son of Detroit has crafted his bravest, ballsiest collection thus far - a wide-ranging, far-reaching assortment of songs that truly warrant the name "KID ROCK."
* * * * *
In 1998, Kid Rock unleashed his major label debut, the classic "DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE." The album - which includes the smash singles/videos "I Am The Bullgod," "Bawitdaba," "Cowboy," and "Only God Knows Why" - eventually went on to be Diamond Award certified by the RIAA for more than 10,000,000 sold. 2000 saw the release of "THE HISTORY OF ROCK," a specially assembled compilation comprised of previously unreleased recordings such as the Grammy Award-nominated single, "American Bad Ass," as well as remixed and reworked tracks from Kid Rock's long-unavailable early works. The collection made its chart debut at #2 on the Billboard album chart, en route to triple platinum certification by the RIAA for sales in excess of 3,000,000. Rock's next magnum opus, the acclaimed "COCKY," was released in November 2001. Recorded in Detroit at Kid Rock's Clarkston Chophouse studio, the album includes such larger-than-life arena anthems as "Forever," "What I Learned Out On The Road," "Lonely Road of Faith," and the sensational Top Ten duet with Sheryl Crow, "Picture." At this writing, the RIAA 4x-platinum certified "COCKY" remains on the "Billboard 200" album chart more than 100 weeks after its release. An inveterate road warrior, Kid Rock and Twisted Brown Trucker have earned a reputation as one of hardest working bands in rock n' roll, blowing the roofs off of theatres, arenas, and enormodomes on countless cross-country tours, not to mention treks around the globe. Since breaking out with "DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE," Rock has been the recipient of a wide assortment of honors, including multiple Grammy Award nominations, and taking home such trophies as a Billboard Music Video Award and "Favorite Male Pop/Rock" honors from the American Music Awards. Kid Rock has been loud and proud in his support of the men and women of the United States Military. In January 2001, he donated proceeds from a Norfolk, Virginia concert to the Navy Marine Corp Relief Society, an effort undertaken to aid the families of those crewmembers killed in the terrorist attack on the USS Cole. The concert came about after Rock heard that "American Bad Ass" was played over the loudspeakers of the crippled naval ship just as it pulled out of port to head home. December of that year saw Rock and TBT visiting the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany to perform alongside J-Lo and Ja Rule for a massive U.S.O. show (later broadcast on MTV as For The Troops: An MTV/U.S.O. Special). In June 2003, Rock ventured to Kuwait, Qatar, and Iraq as part of a U.S.O. tour to brighten the spirits of troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A highlight of the journey occurred as Rock arrived at a military hangar in Baghdad expecting to just sign autographs. When the thousands of troops waiting to meet him started cheering, the Motor City superstar decided to put on an impromptu concert, using instruments on stage designated for a military band.
November 2003